More than 44 million households in the US rent. That's tens of millions of people who are in the pool for becoming a tenant at your location.
How do you know which of these tens of millions you want to live on your property?
You have to be able to screen tenants to figure out whether they're responsible enough to take care of your property. The best way to do that is through a tenant background check.
If you haven't been screening tenants, you've been missing out. Keep reading to learn more about the tenant criminal background check and why tenant screening is a must.
1. Screening Tenants Provides Extra Safety
Whenever you bring in a new tenant, you're opening that person up to your community. Whether they're staying in a house or an apartment, they're entrusted with caring for your property.
You shouldn't trust just anyone with this job. After all, it's your property.
As the landlord, you need to know how to find tenants who are going to take care of the place they're staying in. Tenant background checks are the perfect way to make sure your decision was the right one.
2. Screening Tenants Protects You
At the very least, you should use the screening process to protect yourself. Each time you accept a tenant, you're accepting liability.
If you don't perform a tenant criminal background check, you may be liable for any issues that turn up. And, you could get a lawsuit for negligence since you skipped the tenant screening process.
You're allowed to reject a tenant if they have a history of criminal activity. However, you have to be able to prove that you made this decision to keep your community safer. The background check is the best, sound way to do this.
All in all, the screening process is the one piece of evidence you need to protect yourself and your existing tenants. Once you learn how to screen tenants, the screening process needs to become a regular routine.
3. Screening Tenants Reduces Turnover
Each time that you perform a tenant background check, you're showing your tenants that you're being thorough when you pick renters. This rigorous tenant screening process can give you a positive look for all of your other tenants.
In fact, some renters expect there to be a background check. If there isn't, they may not choose your property for fear of unsafe conditions.
The background process also makes it more likely that you'll find long-term tenants who aren't going to break their lease in a split second. They'll be there for the long haul, and you'll get more lease renewals.
Perform a Tenant Background Check
Performing a tenant background check on every single tenant is crucial to the safety of your community. It'll protect you and all of your other tenants.
If you're having trouble keeping up with the screening process, you should consider hiring a property management group like Home River Group.
Check out our property management services here and get started today!